Memory making and appreciating

This is. The Girl who resists having her picture taken.  This is also the Girl who loves nothing more than looking back at her birth photos.  My Sister and I captured each other’s births and we are both so glad we did.  My Girl is fascinated by how a baby grows in the womb and the idea of birth – she hasn’t twigged enough to ask me how babies get inside a Mummy’s tummy.  But, I’m not worried.  We’ll cross that bridge once she gets to it.

Whenever I want to take picture(s) of my Girl, I need to remind her why we are doing so – to remember.  She won’t always be this small(ish).  The other day her cousin asked her why I had my camera with me.  I burst with pride as she replied in a matter of a fact voice, ‘oh she likes taking pictures so that we can remember.’


This is. Debbie


This is. Caroline