“There is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost.” ― Martha Graham

Why “This is Me”?


Feel shy having your picture taken? You are not alone!

It must be almost as scary as public speaking, right? Noooo! Not at all! : )

I’d love to help create your ‘this is me’ for you and your beloved ones to keep and to remember the real you. Or maybe you’re wanting to tell the professional world who you are and why they can’t go on without you with in their business. Or is it an exciting new side hustle? Let’s get that moving!

“This is me” is about owning who you are and knowing you’re enough. It’s about not comparing and about knowing that we each bring something different to this life. It’s about looking the world squarely in the eyes with your armour at your feet and simply saying “this is me”, the real me. Well, that’s what I tell myself anyway. It helps!

Get in touch - I’m super down to earth (read - not one of the intimidating cool kids) and looking forward to helping to create your own ‘this is me’ story.